Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Geography Article of the Day! 11/30/11

As we all know, we are coming into the Holiday Season and with all the fun and gift giving comes a lot of waste!  From wrapping paper to delivery boxes and extra treats your garbage pail might be filling up faster then usual this time of year.  Sustainability is a growing branch of geography.  Using sustainable materials/resources is important to how we use and impact space around us.  The more garbage we create the more pollution and the less space for that garbage we have.  So today's geography article of the day is some tips on how to be more sustainable this holiday season.  The article is from Huffington Post and is called "Eco Etiquette: How To Have A Zero Waste Holiday Season"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Do You know how the States got their Names?

The names we assign to locations are a very important factor in geography that influences the division of space, the perception of space, history of the space and even can tell us a little about the people naming that space.  I came across this interesting article on Hubpages, where i also write, about how the states of America got their names.  The author is greensleeves and is actually from the UK!  His article is entitled "Origin of the Names of the United States of America- A Greensleeves Page"

Remote Sensing presents Hurricane Season 2011

Here's a cool video of this year's Hurricane Season which includes Hurricane Irene, which impacted the Eastern United States and Tropical Storm Lee that flooded most of the Eastern United States just after Irene.  This video shows how far we have come in remote sensing, a section of geography.  We are able to observe and record images from above so easily now, we've come a long way from sending hot air balloons up with cameras.  Geography is also apart of recognizing what you are watching in the video, your exposure to maps have provided you with knowledge of what North America looks like, allowing you to orient yourself when viewing this video.  Finally weather and its impact on location is apart of geography, yes Atmospheric sciences and meteorology have they're own disciplines now but geography is still a huge aspect, not to mention the mother of weather disciplines.

Geography Article of the Day 11/29/2011

Survey Says the best place to Live... 

This article illustrates the results of a survey conducted worldwide to find the best metropolitian areas to live.  Comparing space and defining what makes an urban area great are all apart of geography. Did your city make the list?  I know nothing near me did!